Tuesday, May 29, 2007


So, last time I blogged, I was in the middle of my juice fast which went SO well. I really did feel great! Post-fast, I had about 2.5 weeks where my eating and exercise habits were totally consistent. However, this past memorial day weekend, I fell off the wagon again. I feel pretty terrible because I was doing so well. I had even set a goal for myself of being "binge free" for 3 whole weeks! Didn't happen and of course I'm so discouraged. I have to keep telling myself that I can and WILL get back on track. My plan for the rest of the week:

Today, Tuesday 5/29
Walk/Jog for 1 hour around VCP after work
Go to Curves for 40 min after my walk

Wednesday 5/30
Early morning walk/jog for 1 hour
Yoga evening after class

Thursday 5/31
Early morning walk/jog for 1 hour
Curves for 40 min

Friday 6/1
Early morning walk/jog for 1 hour
Curves for 40 min

Sat 6/2
Early morning walk/jog for 1 hour

Sun 6/3

I'm hoping that I can truly try and stick with this plan as I do have a special event with my mom this weekend that I would like to look presentable for. If I can make it through this week without binging, I will allow myself to check of the three weeks without binging goal. We'll see what happpens...

Friday, May 11, 2007

Day #4

Ugh, kinda mad at myself for not posting yesterday! I normally post at work, but I was too busy yesterday. I'm on Day #4 and still doing ok. I had veggie juice for lunch today and feel pretty good even though I'm sure I'll miss the sugar later! I have to be honest, I'm completely in love with these bolthouse farms juices! I think I may continue to have juice for lunch for a little while, at least to jump start my weight loss routine that is following this fast! Have been doing some research on vegetarian diets...so excited to begin! Of course I have been vegetarian before, but this time I think (hope) I'm really going to make it happen! The idea of filling my body with fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains seems soooo appealing right now. As for cravings, here are a few:

salad! with olive oil dressing....mmmm!
Hummus of course
Whole grain bread

So there ya go. Staples of the vegetarian diet! Yesterday, all of my co-workers enjoy pizza from my favorite place. I didn't have ANY. If that's not will power, I don't know what is. Truthfully though, if I were to eat a slice of pizza right now after shutting down my digestive system for 4 days, I would probably get VERY sick.

I am anxious to see what happens when I do eat solid food for the first time tomorrow. I'm going to start with melons in the evening. I'm sticking with fresh fruit and vegetables for Sunday and Monday. Maybe I'll pick up some veggie broth as well for dinner. I will also probably start eating whole grain toast on Sunday. So, by Tuesday I should be back to a fairly normal diet, though I plan on avoiding meat (for good), refined carbohydrates (also for good) and cheese (for a week). This has truthfully been one of the most disciplined, committed and enlightening few days of my whole life. I'm pretty sure that I did lose a few pounds and my tounge is coated in white...clearly I must be getting ride of some toxins!

Here's to another successful few days!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


So now I know why you are not supposed to drink tea while fasting...at least not with caffeine. I am so nauseous right now i could die. God I hope it passes, I feel just awful!

I hope tea is ok!

So, I caved. I needed tea mid-morning. Truthfully, the green tea with just a little bit of caffeine is what I have been missing the most. I'm pretty sure that a small cup with no milk or sugar will be ok. It's the first time I am doing this, so I'm trying REALLY hard not to be crazy if I'm not perfect!

Doing some research on nutrition counseling, something I may consider exploring in the future...

Fast Day #2

Whoa this is hard. Seriously. I had a REALLY hard time sleeping last night because I was so hungry. It is amazing to me how dependent I have become on food...it is always on my mind! I'm really, REALLY hoping that I can stick this out for long enough to experience the liberating benefits of not having my life revolve around meals and preparation. I seem to be preoccupied with food and eating right now due to the physical hunger, which should subside soon. I'm also VERY irritable today. Snapped at my dad this morning and felt pretty bad about it.

This morning, I went out for a walk around 6:30am. I know, I know...but I had to be at work early this morning and the one good thing about not eating is that you can get right out of bed in the morning! I suspect that this will only improve for me as time goes on.

When I decided to do this fast a few days ago, I was going to attempt a strict water fast. I did do the water fast for 31 hours, but honestly, since I am continuing to do moderate exercise and attempt to live my life, I know that I'll never make it on the water fast and may do more harm that good. SO, I am taking all natural juices. Had a nice, big glass of Bolthouse Green Goodness this morning (so good!) I forgot to bring more juice for "lunch" today, but I have a break before my final at 4:30 so I'll probably run to the local grocery store...I'll want to get out anyway!

So far I feel like I'm doing ok. I'm really excited to make it through tomorrow...I know that I'll probably start feeling the true benefits of fasting then. A little nervous because I'm having a pizza party for some of my student workers tomorrow....people do NOT respond well to the idea of fasting. I still haven't decided exactly what my excuse will be for not eating anything...prob a stomachache. That's hard to argue!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Day #1 Water Fast

So, today marks the beginning of my first true fasting experience, which I must admit is quite empowering and exciting. I figured that a blog is an excellent way to keep track of my feelings during this experience and also, a nice distraction from food! I have attempted to fast before and have tried countless "detox diets" but this is the first time that I am trying this for real. Let's start at the beginning...

When I was a child and throughout my adolescence, I was pretty chubby. Never fat, just clearly not in shape (runs in my family....lucky me!) So, I dealt with the psychological ramifications for this throughout my life and it has really taken it's toll on my well-being. When I ended a 2.5 yr relationship at the age of 19, I was determined to make some changes, including weight loss. I started by losing just a few pounds and noticed the reaction all around me. Amazing how people react to weight loss...."oh my GOD, you're a DIFFERENT PERSON!" Uh, thanks...what the HELL must I have looked like before?!?!" Anyway, I got used to that and loved it. I was empowered, and even more importantly, I was HOT.

So, for about a year and a half, I became the portrait of good heath...eating in moderation and exercising, neither activity was excessive. Then, because I was feeling so amazing, I took it to the next level and started running at least 5 mi a day and restricting my calories to the point where I was actually thin for the first time in my life. 116 lbs thin, which for me is olsen twin-esque. I becae so obsessed that I started exercising purely as a means of ridding my body of calories, not because it felt great anymore. I also started getting rid of food through purging. For the few years post-college I have been on and off bulimic and in and out of therapy. As a result, I have gained a noticeable amount of weight, pretty much my worse nightmare.

This past weekend, I ran into a few people that I knew in college at a graduation party. It was a horrible experience for me, as I am so unhappy with my body that I have lost enjoyment in social activities. Therefore, I know that I need to make a change. Although my binging and purging episodes are less prevalent than they used to be, they still occur and are seriously hindering my weight loss. I am engaging in this 10 day (perhaps more if I feel inclined) fast in order to jump start a healthy lifestyle. I have several vacations coming up in the next few months and would like to wear a bathing suit without feeling terrible about myself.

Since this is my first fast, I am kind of going to take things in stride. Ideally, I would like to be on a water fast for at least 3 days, as I know that the health benefits of fasting do not kick in until this time. I have been taking a weight loss supplement for about 3 weeks and will discontinue it while fasting. I plan on continuing my exercise regimen as much as possible. It hasn't been strenuous at all lately...working out with hydrolic machines at curves for women and walking about 40 min a day during the week and 1 hr per day on the weekends. Had a bout of tendonitis in my left ankle and haven't been running since.

So far I'm feeling ok. I am physically hungry right now and have been since this afternoon, but I realize that this will dissipate as I get further involved in the fasting process. I plan on taking a lot of walks and maybe going back to yoga as a distraction from thinking about food. Since I won't have to devote energy towards meal preparation for a few days, I plan on doing some house cleaning and continuing to study for my last final tomorrow evening. I also would like to get to bed very early tonight. Will be avoiding TV as much as I possibly can (though I will watch American Idol and Grey's Anatomy...come on!!!) I also recently purchased an MP3 player, so I will also rely on music as a distraction. I am hoping to drop a good 15 lbs doing this so I will gain confidence and feel better about my body. Upon breaking the fast, I hope to begin a vegetarian diet, as this has proven to be beneficial for me in the past. I think that this is an excellent idea...the main challenge will be to remind myself of my goals and to not lose sight of why I am doing this: to increase my spiritual connection with God and nature and to feel better about the way that I look and feel so that I may begin to live a full life. Here goes!